Why Having a Strong Linkedin Profile is Important When Job Searching


Why Having a Strong Linkedin Profile is Important When Job Searching | CPS, Inc

LinkedIn is easily one of the most influential tools in the job search process. Recruiters, employers, and other professionals are using LinkedIn and other social media websites to find and make the connections that will help them grow their careers or businesses. Interestingly enough, the vast majority of applicants get hired by employers within their… Read more »

Use LinkedIn to Network with Professionals in Your Industry 


Use LinkedIn to Network with Professionals in Your Industry | CPS

LinkedIn can be a difference-maker in your job search. The social network makes it easy to network with industry professionals. From here, you can build your professional network. And you can use this network to learn about career opportunities and land your dream job.   How you use LinkedIn can have far-flung effects on your job… Read more »