The Importance of Pay Transparency for Employee Satisfaction and Retention


The Importance of Pay Transparency for Employee Satisfaction and Retention | CPS, Inc

Pay transparency refers to openly disclosing employees’ salaries and wages within a company or organization. It is a growing trend in the modern workplace as more organizations recognize the importance of pay transparency for employee satisfaction and retention. Currently, seven states and several municipalities have enacted pay transparency laws, and at least 19 more have… Read more »

3 Signs It’s Time for a New Job


3 Signs It's Time for a New Job | CPS, Inc

In 2022, 46.6 million Americans quit their jobs. Despite signs that the economy is weakening and the job market is tighter, don’t assume that the Great Resignation is over for 2023. As we write this, some of the biggest industry names, including Amazon and Microsoft laid off staff. However, in January 2023, there were still… Read more »