How to Write Attractive Job Descriptions That Can Attract Quality Talent | CPS, Inc


Getting the job description wrong is a huge mistake on the front end of the job process. But “wrong” doesn’t mean the basic description of the job is inaccurate. Instead, an error that many employers make when writing the job description is that they assume putting the position out there is all that’s needed to attract candidates. So, they don’t take the time to craft a creative, interesting JD designed to bring in talent.

Attracting high-quality talent is crucial for the success of any organization. The job description is an essential tool often neglected at the front end of the recruitment process. A well-written and attractive job description can make all the difference in attracting top talent. It provides potential candidates with a clear understanding of the role and showcases the company’s culture and values. Here are some essential tips on how to write attractive job descriptions that can attract quality talent.

How Can You Write More Attractive Job Descriptions That Will Attract Top Talent?

Start with a Compelling Job Title

The job title is the first thing candidates see, so it needs to be concise and captivating. Avoid generic titles and use specific and engaging ones that accurately reflect the position and its level of responsibility. For example, instead of “Marketing Manager,” consider “Digital Marketing Guru – Driving Growth and Innovation.” Avoid overused and somewhat confusing terms like “ninja” or “rockstar.”

Capture Interest with a Captivating Introduction

After the job title, briefly introduce the company and the role. This overview should be at most four sentences. It should highlight the company’s mission, values, and unique selling points and answer, “Why would someone want to work for you?” This intro will help candidates envision themselves working in the organization and understand the impact they can make.

Outline Responsibilities and Expectations

Clearly define key responsibilities and tasks involved in the role. Use bullet points or subheadings to make it easy to read and comprehend. Be specific about the skills and qualifications required to excel in the position but avoid an excessive list of requirements that might discourage potential candidates. CIO magazine suggests using the job description to engage candidates with language like “Come join a creative team of…” or “Work together with a team dedicated to…”

Highlight Opportunities for Growth and Development

The best candidates often seek opportunities to grow and advance in their careers. Showcase potential career paths, training programs, and opportunities for skill development within the organization. Emphasize the company’s commitment to employee growth and the support it provides in achieving professional goals. Avoid a laundry list of tedious tasks and focus on what’s in it for the candidate.

Showcase Company Culture and Values

Did you know 79% of job seekers say they consider a company’s mission and 77% consider culture before applying? Candidates are not just looking for a job; they want to be part of a company that aligns with their values and beliefs. Include a section describing the company culture, work environment, and unique perks or benefits. This information will help candidates assess if they will be a good fit for the organization.

Use Inclusive Language

Ensure your job description is inclusive and avoids discriminatory or biased language that could discourage specific demographics from applying. Use gender-neutral terms and focus on the qualifications and skills required for the role rather than personal characteristics. It’s better to avoid using modifiers like that could turn off some of the populations you’re trying to attract. What if the candidate is great but doesn’t identify as “off the charts,” a “ninja,” or a “perfectionist?”

Include Salary and Benefits

While some organizations prefer not to disclose salary information, it can be valuable to attracting quality talent. Including a salary range or mentioning competitive compensation and benefits can help candidates assess if the role aligns with their expectations. Too, a growing number of states require this disclosure.

Work with CPS to Attract More Talent

Writing attractive job descriptions is essential for attracting quality talent. But if you’re searching for the best way to attract top talent, call on CPS. We help companies build strong teams by finding exceptional job candidates to drive your organization’s success. Call on us to find out how we can help.

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