4 Ways to Know a Company Has the Same Cultural Values | CPS, Inc


Cultural fit is a critical factor in job satisfaction and overall success in a workplace. Forbes reports 82% of managers hire for cultural fit. Most employees say cultural fit is more important than money when looking at a job. When considering joining a new company, it’s essential to ensure that the company shares your values and aligns with your personal and professional goals. Here are four ways to know a company has the same cultural values as you.

Does a Company Have the Same Cultural Vales as You?

1. Research the Company’s Mission and Values

One of the easiest ways to gauge whether a company aligns with your values is to research its mission statement and values. Every company has a purpose, and its mission statement should reflect that. It’s essential to read through the company’s mission statement and understand its goal. You can move on to the next step if the mission aligns with your values. In addition to the mission statement, look at the company’s values. These values are the guiding principles that dictate how the company operates. By understanding the company’s values, you can determine if they align with your values.

2. Look at the Company’s Culture and Work Environment

Company culture is the shared values, beliefs, and practices that shape the workplace environment. A company’s culture plays a significant role in how you feel about your job and the organization you work for. Examining the company’s culture, you can understand whether the job will align with your values. Look at how the company treats its employees, the work-life balance they offer, and how they handle challenging situations. If the company’s culture resonates with you, it’s a good sign that your values align.

3. Speak to Current and Former Employees

One of the best ways to understand a company’s culture is by speaking to current and former employees. Employees can provide insights into the company’s operations and whether it aligns with your values. If you’re speaking with a current or former employee, ask about their experience working at the company, the management style, and how the organization’s management handled conflicts. Listen to their feedback and consider if it aligns with your values and goals. You should also check reviews on Glassdoor or other employee rating sites.

4. Consider the Company’s Actions

Actions speak louder than words; a company’s reputation can tell you a lot about its values. Look at the company’s policies and practices, how they treat their employees, and their involvement in the community. For example, if a company promotes diversity and inclusion, it should have policies to support those initiatives. Similarly, if the business values giving back to the community, it should have programs that support these efforts. Check the company’s careers page, LinkedIn, and other social feeds to see if employees are reposting events that support these broader policies. Your goal in researching a company’s actions is to determine if they align with your values and goals.

Can’t Find the Company that Aligns with Your Values? Call CPS

Finding a company that aligns with your values is critical to job satisfaction and overall success in a workplace. By conducting your due diligence around corporate culture and values, you can understand whether the company aligns with what matters to you. Remember that it’s essential to find a company that shares your values and provides opportunities for growth and development. You can create a fulfilling and rewarding career by researching and finding the right company.

We work closely with our clients to find suitable candidates and deeply understand the cultural fit they’re looking for. If you are still looking for the right fit, talk to CPS. We can help you in your search for a better culture and a better life. Call on us today.

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