How to Stand Out During Your Job Search | CPS


Your resume is like your business card in the world of job applications. It’s the perfect chance to show the world who you are and what you’re about in a quick and easily digestible format. Your resume is also one of your best chances to make a great first impression. You do that through the information you provide, the skills you highlight, even the format you choose to use. The bottom line is that your resume needs to catch the attention of the viewer. So don’t miss the opportunity to really deliver a fantastic first impression. Grab their attention with a resume that helps you stand out from the crowd.

How Can You Stand Out During Your Job Search?

Focus on Success

Only you know your most influential successes, so don’t shy away from sharing those stories in the body of your resume. If you have client testimonials or recommendations, make a point to call them out. Win any awards or earn a degree? That’s the type of thing that can earn you an interview. Client or customer recognition is highly influential because it shows that external partners have experienced your skills in action and had the opportunity to see your value firsthand. Those big wins that make you happy at the end of a hard day that is the type of thing you should put front and center in a winning resume.

Data Counts

Many job applicants make the mistake of writing a resume that focuses on tasks and responsibilities associated with their various projects and positions. While this information is important, it’s not what will help you stand out from a crowd. Employers care about the value that you can provide to them. They want to know what problems you have helped past employers solve. And they love to see data to prove it. List your previous responsibilities, but also really highlight your past success. That’s what will make readers excited to meet you.  Quantify your achievements. Let the numbers do the talking. Really show employers what value you will bring to them if they hire you by measuring your past results.

Be Specific and Don’t Be Afraid to Brag About Yourself

Speaking well of yourself can feel uncomfortable, especially if you have been out of the job search process for a while. But when you are applying for new opportunities, it’s important to remember this is your chance to show employers why you are special. Don’t shy away from a little bragging. Focus on your achievements and what skills you bring to the table. Be specific about your accomplishments on past projects. If you feel good about how you’re describing your work, chances are that you’re on the right track. Don’t be overly modest, and at the same time, remember to talk about how well you collaborated with others to achieve those goals. Use “I” statements rather than “we” statements. The best way to stand out from the crowd is to highlight the amazing things you’ve done so far.

Use an Engaging Format

Traditional resumes can be dull to read. They get the job done but feel free to explore more engaging formats. In fact, mixing things up a bit in terms of font and style can really help your resume stand out from the crowd. Take extra care to make sure your resume design is appealing and focuses on the most important information. Make sure it’s presenting you as an organized and professional individual who is passionate about the opportunity they are applying for. You deserve a resume that makes you look your best. Consider putting yourself in the shoes of your recruiter. How can you focus their attention on the key takeaways and most interesting things in your work history? The simple answer is to make it very easy to find that information within the first second or two of looking at your resume. Make your resume look like the clear choice for you to succeed in this new role.

Are You Standing Out During Your Job Search?

For more tips on building a career, you can be proud of, connect with the recruiting team at CPS today.

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