Looking for a New Job? Why The Best Time to Apply is Around the Holidays | CPS, Inc


When it comes to job hunting, timing can make a significant difference in your success. While it might seem counterintuitive to look for a new job during the holiday season, it’s one of the best times to submit applications and make progress in your career. Many job seekers put their search on hold during this time, making the field less competitive, and companies often have unique hiring needs that align with the season. Here’s why the holidays can be the ideal time to pursue new career opportunities.

Why Should You Apply For a Job Around the Holidays?

Less Competition

The reduced competition is one of the most compelling reasons to job hunt during the holidays. Many job seekers assume that hiring slows down or halts entirely during the holiday season, leading them to postpone their search. This trend creates a unique advantage for those who continue to apply. With fewer applicants, your application is more likely to receive attention and consideration.

Seasonal Hiring Needs

The holidays bring about specific seasonal hiring needs in various industries. Retailers often require additional staff to handle the holiday rush, and logistics companies may need more drivers and warehouse workers. Non-seasonal industries like healthcare and finance may have increased hiring needs due to staff vacations and year-end budgets. These job openings can provide opportunities for job seekers in various fields.

Networking Opportunities

Holiday gatherings and parties offer excellent networking opportunities. Whether you attend company holiday parties, industry events, or social gatherings, you can make connections that could lead to job referrals and recommendations. People tend to be more open to conversations and introductions during the holiday season, making it an ideal time to expand your network.

End-of-Year Budgets

Many companies have “use it or lose it” budgets at the end of the fiscal year. This reality means they may have available funds earmarked for new hires, training, or project completion. As a result, they are actively looking for candidates to fill positions before the year-end, making it a great time to explore job opportunities.

Time to Reflect

The holidays bring about specific seasonal hiring needs in various industries. Retailers often require additional staff to handle the holiday rush, and logistics companies may need more drivers and warehouse workers. Non-seasonal industries like healthcare and finance may have increased hiring needs due to staff vacations and year-end budgets. These job openings can provide opportunities for job seekers in various fields.

Less Stress and Pressure

For job seekers currently employed, the holidays can provide a less stressful time to search for new opportunities. The year-end often brings a more relaxed atmosphere to the office, making finding time for interviews and the application process more manageable. It can also offer an opportunity to transition without the added pressure of immediate unemployment.

Setting a Positive Tone for the New Year

Landing a new job offer during the holiday season can set a positive tone for the upcoming year. It’s a great way to start fresh and prepare for a prosperous new year, both personally and professionally. Additionally, many companies offer attractive benefits, bonuses, or incentives during this time, making it an appealing time to accept a new position.

Online Job Postings and Remote Work

With the increase in remote work opportunities, job seekers are no longer limited by geography. You can apply for positions across the country or even internationally. The online job search process allows you to explore various opportunities while you enjoy your holiday break.

Your Next Job is Just a Phone Call Away with CPS

The holiday season offers a unique window of opportunity for job seekers. While it might seem unconventional, it’s one of the best times to apply for a new job. So, don’t put your job search on hold during the holidays; instead, make it a season of career advancement and growth with CPS. We specialize in helping job seekers find a better match. Call on us to find out more.

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